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Coach Berg - Elementary PE Specialist


*In addition to doing the daily routine described below, I will be including a weekly focus for your health and physical activity.  Please check this website at least once a week for updates.  Also, if you have a question, you can email me anytime at and I will do my best to get back to you within 24 hours. 


Week of May 11th - May 15th...


Health Focus:  Did you know that being kind to others is not only good for them, but us as well?  When we are nice to those around us, it feels good and makes everyone happy.  This week, I want you to say at least one nice thing to three different people, and see what happens.  


Physical Activity focus:   The drop kick.  Hold a ball or soft object straight out in front of you.  Drop the ball towards the ground (DO NOT toss the ball or object into the air) and kick it up and forward off the top of your foot.  Remember to keep your eye on the ball and watch your foot make contact with the ball or object.  Practice as much as you can!


Week of May 4th - May 8th...


Health Focus:  NO junk food/soda pop for three days!  Can you do it????  That means no fast food,  fried food, processed food, soda pop/energy drinks, etc.  Once again, this will be harder for some of you than others, but your body will appreciate not having to consume these substances for however long you decide.  Besides, there are little to no health benefits from eating these types of things.   Good luck!


Physical Activity focus:  Pick a stretch, exercise, game, or activity that you enjoyed doing in PE and teach it to your family, friends, or whoever you live with.  If you don't have the right equipment, that's ok.  Just do the best you can with what you have.  I may ask some of you what you did so be ready!  Have fun and happy teaching!!!


Week of April 27th - May 1st...


Health focus:  Are you getting enough sleep?  The experts say you should be getting about 10 to 11 hours of sleep a night!  It sounds like a lot, but it's very important for your physical development and mental well being.  If you are getting enough sleep, you will have more energy and be able focus better on your homework.


Physical Activity focus:  Picking weeds!  Did you know that gardening and working outdoors is  a great form of physical exercise, especially picking weeds.  Ask you parents or guardian if you can pick weeds for at least 30 minutes this week.  Don't forget to wear gloves (if you have them) and clothes that you can get dirty in.   Not only will you help your yard or neighborhood look better, you will increase your heart rate as well!


Week of April 20th - April 24th...


Health focus:  NO sugary treats for at least 3 days in a row.  Can you do it for more than 3 days?  Unless it's your Birthday, try to refrain from eating any sugary treats like donuts, ice cream, cake, candy, etc.  It might be hard, but you can do it!  Your body will thank you.  


Physical Activity focus:  Baseball/Softball.  Striking a moving object.  If you have a bat, use that.  If not, you can use your hand.  Have someone toss a ball or soft object toward you and try and strike the object with your bat or hand.  


Week of April 13th - April 17th...


Health focus:  Calm your mind and relax.  Turn on some soothing music. (Search "meditation music" on Lay down, close your eyes, and try not to think about anything for at least 5 minutes.


Physical Activity focus:  Drop kick.  Hold a ball or soft object out in front of you.  Drop the ball (DO NOT TOSS) straight down and kick the ball forward.  Remember to keep your eyes on the ball.  Watch your foot make contact with the ball. 


Week of April 6th - April 10th...


Health focus:  Drink more water!  The experts suggest 5 - 7 glasses of water per day for kids ages 5 to 12 years old.  You can do it!


Physical Activity focus:  Basketball (Passing).  Chest Pass - Hold a ball with two hands in front of your chest, while stepping forward with one foot, push the ball towards a partner, aim for their chest. 

Bounce Pass -same thing as the chest pass except you need to bounce the ball off the floor half way between you and your partner.


Week of March 30th - April 3rd...


Health focus:  Eat a fruit that you've never tried before.  Fruit is an essential part of your daily diet and is very important to your growth and development.


Physical Activity focus:  Basketball (Dribbling).  Remember to bounce the ball with one hand, use your fingertips only, keep the ball below your waist, and only look at the ball if you have to.


Week of March 23rd - March 27th...


Health focus:  Eat a vegetable that you've never tried before.  Vegetables are an essential part of your daily diet and are very important to your growth and development.


Physical Activity focus:  Basketball (Shooting).  Remember to keep two hands on the ball, hold the ball in front of your chest, bend your knees, and push the ball towards the hoop.   


Kindergarten - 2nd Grade at home PE...



*Please do this routine and at least one of the activities for 30 or more minutes a day.


.Warm-up (Time TBD by you)


  1. March in place

  2. Run in place

  3. Hop straight up and down on two feet

  4. Hop straight up and down on right foot

  5. Hop straight up and down on left foot


Stretch Routine (Count to 10)


  1. Stretch both arms straight up

  2. Feet together, Reach down and touch your toes

  3. Spread feet apart, reach to the right

  4. Spread feet apart, reach to the left

  5. Spread feet apart, reach down the middle

  6. Hold right foot up

  7. Hold left foot up

  8. Arm circles forward

  9. Arm circles backwards

  10. Roll your neck in a circle


Exercises (Time TBD by you)


  1. Jumping Jacks

  2. Twists (Upper body)

  3. Toe Touches


Activities/Games (choose from the following)…


  1. Just Dance Videos (Search on YouTube)

  2. Cosmic Kids Yoga (Search on YouTube)

  3. Turn on some music and dance

  4. Outside play in backyard or playground

  5. Hula Hoop

  6. Jump Rope (One foot, two feet)

  7. Basketball

  8. Play catch with a football or rubber ball


3rd - 6th Grade at home PE...


*Please do this routine and at least one of the activities for 30 or more minutes a day.


Warm-up (Time TBD by you)


  1. Jumping Jacks or Burpees


Stretch Routine (Count to 10)


  1. Stretch both arms straight up

  2. Feet together, Reach down and touch your toes

  3. Spread feet apart, reach to the right

  4. Spread feet apart, reach to the left

  5. Spread feet apart, reach down the middle

  6. Hold right foot up

  7. Hold left foot up

  8. Arm circles forward

  9. Arm circles backwards

  10. Roll your neck in a circle


Exercises (Time TBD by you)


  1. Squats OR Squat Jumps OR Lunges OR Wall Sits

  2. Sit-Ups OR Crunches OR Planks

  3. Push-Ups


Activities/Games (choose from the following)…


  1. Basketball

  2. Hula Hoop

  3. Jump Rope (Single Rope or Long Rope)

  4. Soccer

  5. Football

  6. Outside play in backyard or at a playground

  7. Just Dance Videos (Search on YouTube)

  8. Cosmic Kids Yoga (Search on YouTube)

  9. Turn on some music and dance

  10. Play catch with someone

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